Excavator Robot - Smart Construction Machinery

Robotic excavator remote control based on Network

Through profiling remote operation, which not only simplifies the difficulty of the operation of the excavator, also more conducive to the realization of automation, programming and intelligent operation.

It is the first time to solve the problem that the time delay in network transmission brings the closed loop control to the excavator to achieve the beyond visual range remote control. As we all know, in order to achieve accurate position and speed control, let the excavator moving (right and left), turning and lifting arm, shaking arm and bucket of each cylinder between coordinated and orderly work, must through each execution unit of the closed-loop feedback and effective control can be achieved. Digital hydraulic cylinder and digital hydraulic motor and can be programming power sensitive pump is typical of the intelligent hardware, with self control ability, in after receiving instructions, can achieve automatic and precise execution without the feedback to adjust and control the remote (with some delay) provide a guarantee for the remote control.


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